How can the objectives be achieved?
One of Set Sail Trust’s early initiatives was its involvement with the Guernsey History in Action Company, supporting live outdoor performances entitled “LIVING HISTORY” that take place at Castle Cornet, Tuesday – Saturday, from May to September at 2.15 p.m.
In addition, GHIAC hold further performances at Fort Grey and Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery on selected days, during the summer months.
Be entertained by Marius the slave, shipwrecked on the Island in Roman times or meet Lady Margaret – a Tudor Lady on a visit to Castle Cornet.
Find out about Pirates and Privateers and the terrible explosion that destroyed the Castle Keep.
Hear the extraordinary tale of the steam ship ‘Stella’, wrecked off Alderney in 1899 or meet Victorians speaking the local language, Guernsey French.
Hear the tale of the Uncrowned King and the story of a soldier from the besieged garrison during the English Civil War and discover Guernsey’s great hero – James de Saumarez
Please ring 01481 12039 for details.
If you would like the Set Sail Trust to help your organisation, download a proposal form here.
Other Projects
- Summer 2011 – Guernsey Sailing Trust’s Team 15 use 7 new windsurfing rigs to help school children windsurf at Ladies Bay.
- June 2011 – Pilot Cutters Week see schools sailing programme aboard Merlin and Polly Agatha
- July 2010 – Schools sailing programme aboard Morwenna and Amelie Rose
- July 2010 – Set Sail Corporate Challenge fund raising event
- May-Sept 2010 – Guernsey History in Action Company – Living History programme
- May-Sept 2009 – Guernsey History in Action Company – extended Living History programme to include presentations in schools and at Fort Grey (£1,500)
- Spring 2009 – Spin off educational activity book– the Set Sail commitment acted as a springboard to get larger project off the ground and this is now part of an ongoing venture with involvement from Culture & Leisure and Education department to integrate the Tudor Guernsey e-learning project into a larger website that is being prepared for educational/research projects
- 2008/2009 – States of Guernsey Tudor Guernsey e-learning project (£5,000) – initially a project to develop an e-learning project around Guernsey’s nautical heritage in the Tudor time
- October 2008 – Guernsey Youth Services – 50% funding for nine members of Brock Road Youth Centre to participate in week aboard “Leader” (£3,500)
- September 2008 – Fund and awareness-raising cocktail reception aboard tall ship JR Tolkein
- May – September 2008 – Support of Guernsey History in Action Company living interpretation programme (£3,500)
- 2008 – Donation (£1200) to La Mare de Carteret Schools for students to participate in sailing expedition on Gemervesence as part of their Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme
- 2008 – Funding provided to Sea Cadets to participate in sail training aboard TS Royalist (£250)
September 2007 – Reception at Government House for invited guests to celebrate first anniversary of trust and promote its activities – fundraising opportunity
- June 2007 – Provided 80% funding (£1,000) for five students from Granville House to participate in a sailing week aboard Gemervescence
- September 2006 – The Set Sail Charitable trust was launched by founder trustees, Cable & Wireless, Deutsche Bank and Long Port Group with a cocktail reception aboard “Kaskelot”, a three masted barque – additional donations to the trust were received